What to Do When You’ve Hit Rock Bottom


a man standing in a dark alley


That’s the thing about life, no matter how much we plan, things do fall apart. We do hit rock bottom and it’s not easy to traverse it. What can get us through is knowing that it’s temporary and that we hold the power to pull ourselves up from it. Truth is, life does suck at times but we can grow from it, learn things, and move forward.

So, if you’ve been feeling lost lately, here are a few things you can do to get back.

Find the Root of the Situation

There’s a reason you’ve been feeling like this. Pull yourself together and evaluate the situation. What is it that led you here? Is it something external or internal? Can you try again?

Be honest with yourself and take responsibility. Life sucks, and you can wallow, but don’t let it consume you.


a man sitting on the cliffs by the sea

Go Over Your Life Goals Again

After you’ve found yourself at the bottomless pit, it’s time to reassess your life goals. Find what happened to affect them and has it put you off course?

See what you can do to get back on track, and if you don’t have any goals, this can be the right time to set new ones.

Invest In Yourself

You can’t make it out of this pit if you don’t look after yourself. When life sucks, you need to slow down and assess your situation. Take a day off, indulge in something that will lift your spirits, practice self-care. You’re the only one who can take care of yourself.

A Positive Attitude

You’ll also have to let go of all the negative vibes. Stop thinking life will always suck. Life’s a ride; you’ll have your ups and downs. Change your outlook and let yourself know that today may not be better but tomorrow doesn’t have to be the same. And even in those moments of hopelessness, seek things that are going right for you.

Get Tantric Yoga Training with Steffo Shambo

Love and relationship coach, SteffoShambo, has been helping men around the world reconnect with their inner selves by empowering them. With his holistic FLT method, you can save your relationships and bring back the lost spark of passion..

Learn tantric yoga moves today and heal your relationship with yourself and your partner by starting the free training program today!

